Wedding Cake x Do-Si-Dos Cannabis Strain Overview
What It’s Like to Cultivate the Wedding Cake x Do-Si-Dos Cannabis Hybrid If you’re looking to expand your collection with some fresh cannabis genetics, Wedding Cake x Do-Si-Dos is a fantastic option. This robust hybrid won’t just boost your yield; it’ll also produce a gorgeous, flavorful smoking herb. Consider the merits of this selection.
Wedding Cake x Do-Si-Dos Aroma and Taste
This strain has a robust flavour that combines earthy undertones with the sweet hints of tropical fruits like mangoes and pineapples. Limonene heightens the tropical fruit undertones we’ve been discussing, while beta caryophyllene adds a peppery fragrance. Terpene myrcene, with its musky herbal aroma, blends nicely with the other terpenes to create a pleasant, well-rounded odour.
Wedding Cake x Do-Si-Dos Genetics and Effects
Even if you aren’t a regular marijuana smoker, you might enjoy the flavorful and subtle hints of spice and earth that permeate the smoke of this strain. This strain produces a powerful body high that leaves consumers relaxed and content while still providing them with the focus they need to get things done. Because of its high THC content (typically around 20%), it is useful for reducing inflammation and pain.
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