Wysoka zawartość THC 17-20% 
70% Sativa hybryda
Wysokie plony i łatwa uprawa
Prowokujące do myślenia i energetyzujące

(1 opinia klienta)

Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds

Od:  29.00

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Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds

Informacje o wysyłce

Various shipping options & lost mail replacement.

USA customers spend over $120 to get free tracked shipping. Tracked delivery costs $12 for orders under $120.

Non USA customers - get free standard shipping on orders over $65. Orders over $115 get free Tracked shipping.

Usually seeds arrive within ten days. Did not receive your seeds? We will happily replace your seeds. See FAQ

  • EU  3–5 days
  • USA & Canada 6-10 days
  • Rest of the world 7–10 days

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Wybór nasion

Nasiona feminizowane
Przy mniej niż 12 godzinach światła dziennie, nasiona feminizowane kwitną i produkują chwasty. Zbierajcie albo jesienią na zewnątrz, albo w środku po około 15 do 20 tygodniach. Odmiany feminizowane są używane przez początkujących i doświadczonych hodowców i produkują buds wyższej jakości niż odmiany automatycznie kwitnące.

Nasiona automatyczne
Łatwe w uprawie i proste rośliny mogą być uprawiane z nasion automatycznych w ciągu zaledwie 10 do 14 tygodni, zanim będą gotowe do zbioru. Fantastyczne dla osób uprawiających rośliny po raz pierwszy, dla ograniczonych obszarów zbiorów i dla plonów sezonowych.

Jak kiełkować

Aby zapewnić kiełkowanie, zanurz nasiona w szklance wody na co najmniej 12-72 godziny, trzymając je w ciemności w temperaturze pokojowej. Kiedy pojawi się bieluń, posadź swoje nasiona na głębokości 1/2 cala w glebie lub innym medium, które zostało zwilżone. Powinieneś zobaczyć sadzonkę pojawiającą się w ciągu 2 dni po posadzeniu. Sadzonki rozwijają się w jasnych, słonecznych warunkach (21°C do 23°C).

*Please Check Legality In Your Own Region.


Critical 2.0 XL Auto Cannabis Strain

To this day, Critical 2.0 XL Auto remains their most sought-after auto-flowering variety. This information should convince anyone that this cannabis gem possesses the perfect balance of stability, pace, vigor, yield, flavor, & potency to make any cannabis producer pleased. If two remarkable genetic lines, Critical + Auto and Critical +, have offspring, what else could they possibly be? The pinnacle of cannabis edibles.

Subcritical 2.0 XL Cannabis plants that have been subjected to auto-flowering have shorter or moderately spaced internodes, a more Indica genetic makeup, and a thinner main stem than non-auto-flowering strains. Her leaves are around average size for an Indica/Sativa hybrid, covering the entire body of this incredibly robust plant. Although this plant is susceptible to fungal infection, its rapid flowering time makes up for its lack of moisture resistance. Many dense, potent, sticky Indica buds can be harvested from the Critical 2.0 XL Auto strain. An excellent heir to the Critical strains this.

Growing Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds

These autoflowering seeds have a rapid growth cycle, allowing for a quick and efficient cultivation process. In just 60-70 days from germination, Critical 2.0 XL Auto seeds mature into robust plants with generous yields. This makes it an ideal choice for growers seeking a fast turnaround and abundant harvests.

It can be grown indoor and outdoor. Outdoor strain cultivation is recommended only in locations that won’t be a nuisance to curious passersby or others. If that’s the case, would-be cultivators have an added duty to make sure the plant is produced in warm, tropical, or Mediterranean conditions.  Critical 2.0 XL Auto has a short blooming time of 45-50 days and has the potential for a high yield of about 616 grams per square meter when grown indoors. If Critical 2.0 XL Auto is cultivated under ideal conditions, a 1200 grams per plant harvest is expected at the start of October when the blossoms are picked.

Critical 2.0 XL Auto Weed Taste & Smell

The hybrid Critical 2.0 XL Auto has a complex scent combining the characteristics of both parents. At first, the smells of citrus & zest predominate, but soon after, the harsher, more intense aromas of pine & wood emerge. This earthy undertone becomes more noticeable with each hit of this strain. Most seasoned customers agree that Critical 2.0 XL Auto has a robust and recognizable aroma.

According to some, it may take some time and experience to get used to the flavor of Critical 2.0 XL Auto. Despite this, experienced users who favor flavorful strains will like it. The precise flavor profile is mildly lemony at first, then becomes chemically over time.

Critical 2.0 XL Auto Marijuana Effect

For its equal parts of Indica and Sativa, Critical 2.0 XL Auto is often cited as a model of symbiotic cannabis diversity. The iconic Big Bud and Skunk strains have left their mark on Critical 2.0 XL Auto, making it a worthy successor of theirs.

Critical 2.0 XL Auto’s THC levels can reach 23%, making it a strain best suited for more experienced users who are more likely to manage this bud’s potent effects. The Skunk genetics in Critical 2.0 XL Auto are most apparent early on when customers report feeling a robust euphoric rush that boosts their mood, creativity, and focuses.

This strain’s Big Bud mother likely contributed to its introspective rather than uplifting effects. Critical 2.0 XL Auto produces a gentle and soothing body buzz without the sedative effects of a couch lock. Critical Plus generates a whole body and head high, so it makes sense that it’s best enjoyed in the late afternoon or evening, either alone or with friends.

Informacje dodatkowe

3 + 3 FREE, 5 + 5 FREE, 10 + 10 FREE, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 FREE, 50 + 50 FREE, 100 + 100 FREE, 200 + 200 FREE, 500 + 500 FREE, 1000 + 1000 FREE


Dominacja indica

Czas kwitnienia

45 - 55 dni


17-20 %


1-4 %

Plon pod dachem

450-550 g/m²

Plon na zewnątrz

450-700 g/m²

Recenzje (1)

1 recenzja dla Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds

  1. Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds fotorecenzja
    Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds fotorecenzja
    Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds fotorecenzja
    Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds fotorecenzja
    Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds fotorecenzja
    30 maja 2022 r.
    Odmiana Indica heavy dająca silny efekt upalenia ciała.
    Jest to odmiana pełzająca i po jej uderzeniu nie można poczuć żadnego bólu w ciele. Jest to zdecydowanie ciężka odmiana indica i daje silne ciało ...Więcej

    Jest to odmiana pełzająca i po jej uderzeniu nie można poczuć żadnego bólu w ciele. Jest to zdecydowanie ciężki szczep indica i daje silny efekt upalenia ciała.

    1 1

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Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds

Od:  29.00

Critical 2.0 XL Auto Seeds