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Semillas de Cali Bay Dream

De: $ 31.12



Alto THC 25-29% 
Híbrido 50% Sativa
Alto rendimiento y fácil de cultivar
Efecto de felicidad y concentración 

Semillas de Cali Bay Dream

Información de envío

Various shipping options & lost mail replacement.

USA customers spend over $120 to get free tracked shipping. Tracked delivery costs $12 for orders under $120.

Non USA customers - get free standard shipping on orders over $65. Orders over $115 get free Tracked shipping.

Usually seeds arrive within ten days. Did not receive your seeds? We will happily replace your seeds. See FAQ

  • EU  3–5 days
  • USA & Canada 6-10 days
  • Rest of the world 7–10 days

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Elección de las semillas

Semillas feminizadas
Cuando se les da menos de 12 horas de luz al día, las semillas feminizadas florecen y producen hierba. Se recogen en otoño en el exterior o en el interior después de unas 15 a 20 semanas. Las variedades feminizadas son utilizadas por cultivadores principiantes y experimentados y producen cogollos de mayor calidad que las variedades autoflorecientes.

Semillas automáticas
A partir de las semillas autoflorecientes se pueden cultivar plantas fáciles de cultivar y sencillas en tan sólo 10 a 14 semanas antes de que estén listas para ser recogidas. Fantástico para los que cultivan por primera vez, las zonas de cosecha limitadas y los rendimientos de temporada.

Cómo germinar

Para asegurar la germinación, sumerja las semillas en un vaso de agua durante al menos 12-72 horas mientras las mantiene en la oscuridad a temperatura ambiente. Cuando aparezca la cola blanca, planta tus semillas a 1/2 pulgada de profundidad en el suelo o en otro medio que haya sido humedecido. Deberías ver emerger una plántula en los dos días siguientes a la plantación. Las plántulas prosperan en condiciones luminosas y soleadas (21°C a 23°C)

*Please Check Legality In Your Own Region.


Cali Bay Dream Cannabis Strain

Hybrid Cali Bay Dream has a high Sativa content and is recognized for delivering an uplifting, long-lasting high that keeps users calm and energized. This cannabis variety is well-known not only as a leisure strain but also as a therapeutic one. This strain has shown effective in treating several long-standing and difficult-to-treat conditions.

The happy & Sativa-dominant gigantic strain named Cali Bay Dream is thought to have originated from Grand Daddy Purple & OG Kush. It delivers a constant and mild high that is primarily cerebral. Use in larger quantities will produce inebriation-like effects.

Growing Cali Bay Dream Seeds

The Cali Bay Dream variety is easy to develop, even for unskilled growers, and it generates a pretty good yield when kept in dry, warm outdoor conditions & subjected to a lot of light. This strain also exhibits remarkable resistance to the majority of common illnesses.

A yield of about 390 grams per square meter can be expected from growing Cali Bay Dream indoors. After around eight weeks of blooming, the plant is ready to be picked.  When cultivated outdoors, the Cali Bay Dream marijuana strain is expected to generate about 500 grams per plant and be available for harvest around the midway of October.

Cali Bay Dream Weed Taste & Smell

Cali Bay Dream has a smell that is so unique and enticing that cannabis connoisseurs will recognize it almost immediately. In terms of scent, Cali Bay Dream is unparalleled. The fragrance of this variety is mostly soothing, like that of sweet & supple pine, with just a touch of earthy smell to round things off.

Cali Bay Dream is as tasty as it gets, thanks to its complex flavor profile that is led by a blend of citrus and blueberry. The inhale of this strain will taste fruity and slightly acidic, while the exhale will feature lime and pine notes that will linger on the tongue and leave a sticky & sweet aftertaste.

Cali Bay Dream Marijuana Effect

Cali Bay Dream has been called the “ultimate happy pill” because it makes people feel better almost immediately. Even if you’re in the company of encouraging people, you may find yourself unable to contain your joy after consuming this flower.

This strain has potent Sativa effects, so it is both relaxing and uplifting, but unlike some other varieties, it will not leave you feeling sluggish or sleepy. The ideal dream smoke is Cali Bay Dream because it will make you feel thrilled and pleased about being in the present moment, wherever you may be.

If you have a lot on your plate for the day, smoking some Cali Bay Dream before you get started will help you retain focus for longer, allowing you to accomplish everything with gusto and enthusiasm. Eventually, being under the effect of this strain will make you hungry, so it’s best to prepare yourself for an attack of the munchies.

Información adicional

3 + 3 FREE, 5 + 5 FREE, 10 + 10 FREE, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 FREE, 50 + 50 FREE, 100 + 100 FREE, 200 + 200 FREE, 500 + 500 FREE, 1000 + 1000 FREE


Híbrido 50/50

Tiempo de floración

56-66 días


25-29 %


1-4 %

Rendimiento en interiores

450-550 g/m²

Rendimiento al aire libre

450-700 g/m²

Reseñas (1)

1 opinión de Cali Bay Dream Seeds

  1. Reseña fotográfica de Cali Bay Dream Seeds
    Reseña fotográfica de Cali Bay Dream Seeds
    Reseña fotográfica de Cali Bay Dream Seeds
    Reseña fotográfica de Cali Bay Dream Seeds
    TragicTerpsComprador verificado
    30 de mayo de 2022
    Cogollos extremadamente densos
    Cogollos extremadamente densos. Crece bien y se estira unas 3 veces el tamaño original. Le fue muy bien con los métodos de Kushman Chiropractic y lollipoping. El st...Más
    Cogollos extremadamente densos. Crece bien y se estira unas 3 veces el tamaño original. Le fue muy bien con los métodos de Kushman Chiropractic y lollipoping. Los tallos que hice más entrenamientos en el más grande los brotes eran. Sólo una observación.
    5 2

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Semillas de Cali Bay Dream

De: $ 31.12

Semillas de Cali Bay Dream