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Kuban Sativa x Kuban Sativa

De: $ 31.23



Kuban Sativa x Kuban Sativa

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  • Rest of the world 7–10 days

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Elección de las semillas

Semillas feminizadas
Cuando se les da menos de 12 horas de luz al día, las semillas feminizadas florecen y producen hierba. Se recogen en otoño en el exterior o en el interior después de unas 15 a 20 semanas. Las variedades feminizadas son utilizadas por cultivadores principiantes y experimentados y producen cogollos de mayor calidad que las variedades autoflorecientes.

Semillas automáticas
A partir de las semillas autoflorecientes se pueden cultivar plantas fáciles de cultivar y sencillas en tan sólo 10 a 14 semanas antes de que estén listas para ser recogidas. Fantástico para los que cultivan por primera vez, las zonas de cosecha limitadas y los rendimientos de temporada.

Cómo germinar

Para asegurar la germinación, sumerja las semillas en un vaso de agua durante al menos 12-72 horas mientras las mantiene en la oscuridad a temperatura ambiente. Cuando aparezca la cola blanca, planta tus semillas a 1/2 pulgada de profundidad en el suelo o en otro medio que haya sido humedecido. Deberías ver emerger una plántula en los dos días siguientes a la plantación. Las plántulas prosperan en condiciones luminosas y soleadas (21°C a 23°C)

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Kuban Sativa x Kuban Sativa Cannabis Strain Overview

Cannabis cultivators are familiar with the Kuban Sativa variety. Two of the reasons this popular cultivar is so sought-after are its outstanding yields and distinctive flavor. How does it compare to other varieties, though? Let’s find out if this well-liked variety lives up to the hype.

Kuban Sativa x Kuban Sativa Aroma and Taste

Kuban Sativa has a distinctive appearance due to the vivid green of the buds and the bright orange of the pistils. Its skunk-like earthy scent is sweet with hints of lemon and pine, and the flavor is pleasantly unexpected. For people who are new to smoking or simply wish to take it easy, this strain generates smoke that is gentle on the lungs.

Kuban Sativa x Kuban Sativa Genetics and Effects

This type will likely provide you an energizing high that is great for encouraging creative thought without overwhelming the senses. It provides just enough of a high to let you forget about your pains while keeping you from being utterly immobile. Additionally, Kuban Sativa’s concentrating and motivational properties make it a great choice for undertaking demanding tasks that require all of your attention.

Growing Kuban Sativa x Kuban Sativa Seeds

Growing Kuban Sativa shouldn’t be too challenging if you have a basic understanding of how cannabis plants thrive. Although it will grow practically anyplace with enough artificial light, it prefers warm, sunny environments. It’s crucial to keep in mind that for this plant to develop, the soil must remain continuously damp but not soggy. You must provide your Kuban Sativa plants a consistent source of nutrients if you want them to flourish and yield their maximum crop potential. In summary
Look no farther than Kuban Sativa if you’re a grower looking for a high-yielding strain with a distinctive flavor that won’t overload your senses when smoked or vaped. Because of its strong effects, which stimulate mind and enhance attention without making one drowsy or exhausted, it is appropriate for usage at any time of day. Kuban Sativa is a strain to consider if you’re a beginner grower or an experienced one looking for a change of pace.


Kuban Sativa is a fantastic addition to any cannabis garden because of its robust yields and low maintenance needs. With its potent yet uplifting effects on the body and mind, earthy aroma, and sweet, citrus overtones on the exhale, this strain stands out from the competition. This strain is a certain winner whether you’re a seasoned grower looking to expand your selection or a beginner just getting started.

Información adicional

Sativa dominante


3 + 3 FREE, 5 + 5 FREE, 10 + 10 FREE, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 FREE, 50 + 50 FREE, 100 + 100 FREE, 200 + 200 FREE, 500 + 500 FREE, 1000 + 1000 FREE

Tiempo de floración

56-66 días




5 - 10%

Rendimiento en interiores

450-550 g/m²

Rendimiento al aire libre

900-1200 g/m²

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Kuban Sativa x Kuban Sativa

De: $ 31.23

Kuban Sativa x Kuban Sativa